Parenting Hacks – 5 Elderberry Syrup Tips

No two children are alike, and taste buds change from day to day for kids. From time to time we have to get creative with how we get our kids to take their elderberry syrup. Here are a few parenting hacks that we’ve successfully used on our 3yr and 5 yr olds.

#1. Yogurt
Add a teaspoon of elderberry syrup to any berry flavor yogurt, stir it in and serve. Keep in mind, if they see you do it, the magic trick is ruined.

#2. Apple Sauce
Stir in the elderberry syrup dosage into a half cup (or more) apple sauce. This works great for the 1-3 year olds.

#3. Smoothies
We buy those dannimal smoothies from Costco, and throw the elderberry syrup in for a morning snack. Combine in the existing container, shake well and serve.

#4. Gummies
Serve as a gummie. You can make them at home (here’s our recipe) or you can purchase a jar. One gummie a day in the morning is a great routine.

#5. Frozen Popsicle
In some northern states this may be too cold, on top of the frigid temperatures. Making homemade popsicles and adding elderberry syrup to each, is a fun way to change it up.

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